Friday, January 9, 2009

Soup's On!

Proving that being politically reviled doesn't mean you can't be a mensch in your personal life, a Joe Lieberman (D-CT) story for today:

Over the Christmas holiday, Senator Joe donned a chef's hat and dug in to help serve Connecticut homeless folks a hot meal at the Norwalk Emergency Shelter/Open Door Shelter.

Says Joe:

"I think you learn anytime you come and see the need in this way. I think it's also important for those of us who have a lot to be grateful for to come and serve others."

Agreed! At a time when America's food pantries are trying to meet increased demand with fewer resources, it's refreshing to see a member of Congress literally rolling up their sleeves in their eagerness to understand the problem.


  1. nice blog! refreshing quick reads from the others. so if they are willing to go to soup kitchens and can see that food banks are under-supplied, any chance they'll fix the root of the problem?

  2. I agree with the implicit criticism in Jayne's comment. Some or many of the legislators celebrated on this blog might not be using their political power to advance the goals that they appear to be supporting at these photo opportunities. Let's hold them accountable for their policy choices!
