Monday, January 12, 2009

Fostering community in California

Congressman Dennis Cardoza (D-CA) is a former foster dad (and now adoptive parent) to two California kids, an experience that he says has brought him in touch with the challenges that face the 100,000 kids in the CA foster care system.

So Cardoza, according to this Modesto Bee story, made a natural partner for Daniel Peterson, a young man whose love of music helped him through the difficulties of a childhood in foster care. Peterson, now living in complex for young people who have aged out of the foster system, hopes to open a space where other kids without resources can play and record music.

After being introduced to Peterson through another former fosteree, the Congressman was eager to help with the project. But rather than write a check, Cardoza has offered Peterson more hands-on help with making contacts for fundraising and offering the services of his staff - the whole "teach a man to fish" business that will no doubt make Peterson's eventual successes that much sweeter. Good luck to both of them!

1 comment:

  1. Not to bring up an unpleasant topic, but the criticism I have heard from some about this blog (i.e., that it celebrates politicians who engage in self-promoting stunts, rather than sincere service), whether legitimate or not as a general matter, seems clearly inapplicable to this post about Cardoza. I am touched by his obviously genuine concern for the plight of California's foster children.
