Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Is community service a political stunt?

I'm particularly excited about this post! See?!

I'd like to introduce you to Congressman Tom Periello's campaign volunteer hours tithing program. I picked this for a few reasons:

1) Rep. Periello is my new Congressman, from Virginia's 5th District.
2) We went to the same high school. (Yup, total yuppie. Deal with it.)
3) It allows me to address a concern about this website that I'd already heard. Thanks for your concern!

It goes like this: isn't community service just another form of campaign strategy? Isn't it all political?

Answer: Maybe. Hell, probably. But if a candidate for public office thinks that the best way to woo me as a voter is to roll up his or her sleeves and go serve food to the homeless, or build a house for Habitat, well, they're right! That is what I want to see from my elected representatives. I'm glad that their vision of America is one in which voters will reward someone who spends time on community service projects, and I will reward you, both with my vote, and my general support, including, for what it's worth (alot!), this blog.


  1. i'm the one on the farthest left, and all i have to say is that the regular staff at the Salvation Army ran that soup kitchen like a well-oiled machine.

  2. Hmm, you seem to be awfully cozy with the legislators you're covering here. How do we know you're not engaged in a multi-state influence-peddling kickback scheme designed to ingratiate yourself with members of congress -- all for the nefarious purpose of making the world a better place? Explain yourselves!
