Thursday, January 15, 2009

If They Had a Hammer

Today, we recognize... the entire United States Senate!

In the abstract, at least, for passing Senate Resolution 319, "The Houses the Senate Built"Act, back in 2000. The program called for every Senator to personally contribute to building a Habitat for Humanity home in their state.

While there's no official record of which Senators made good on this very worthy piece of legislation - and to be fair, it's probably easier for some members of congress to wield a power drill than for others - Habitat all-stars who put a little elbow grease into helping house their constituents include:
  • Delaware's Tom Carper and Joe Biden
  • Arkansas' Blanche Lincoln (who spent her time "helping apply the exterior siding")
  • Maryland's Barbara Mikulski
  • New York's Chuck Schumer and Hillary Clinton
  • Idaho's Larry Craig (hold the jokes about constructing the bathroom stalls)
  • Nebraska's Max Baucus
  • Connecticut's Chris Dodd
  • Utah's Bob Bennett
  • Oregon's Ron Wyden
  • Washington's Patty Murray (above... assuming she donned the pantsuit post-spackling, of course)

1 comment:

  1. I would be interested to hear a little more about that resolution. Could you give your loyal readership a follow-up post about the bill's sponsors, and any available legislative history?
