Thursday, January 22, 2009

Day On

Martin Luther King Day, this past Monday, was a much-publicized day of service: volunteers around the country were encouraged to consider the holiday a "day-on" for volunteering rather than just another day off.

Many of us saw about-to-be-President Obama volunteering to renovate a DC area teen emergency shelter. (The homelessness catastrophe in our Federal City is a topic for another blog, so let's just say here that this was an aptly chosen project.)

This blog is perfect, however, for recognizing the largest MLK Day service event in the history of the nation. And where was it, you ask breathlessly? Wait for it...


60,000 volunteers, including Senator Bob Casey and Congressman Congressman Chaka Fattah, who took part in the Cradles to Crayons project, assembling supples for area homeless newborns and children.

Yes, the City of Brotherly Love took this step in opposition to its curmudgeonly reputation. You see, my family is of Philly origin, and I am myself a product of a South Jersey (extended Philly suburb) upbringing. So, maybe now we can be known for something other than booing Destiny's Child or throwing snowballs at Santa. (The #1 go-to story for illustrating how abhorrent Philadelphians are).

So, eat it all you larger-than-Philadelphia cities that couldn't muster more charitable citizens (I'm looking at you New York).

So, thanks Senator Casey, Congressman Congressman Fattah and the 50,998 others who participated in the events on Monday.

1 comment:

  1. How surprising. I thought your jab at larger-than-Philadelpia cities was aimed at Houston.
